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Project Officer for the SOLAS International Project Office



Job Description / Duties

The State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental ScienceatXiamen University(MEL, http://mel.xmu.edu.cn) in China is looking to employ a full-time Project Officer for the SOLAS International Project Office.


The SOLAS (Surface Ocean- Lower Atmosphere Study) Project is an international research initiative with the primary objective "To achieve quantitative understanding of the key biogeochemical-physical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere, and of how this coupled system affects and is affected by climate and environmental change." (www.solas-int.org)

Since April 2010, the SOLAS International Project Office (IPO) is located at GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel in Germany and led by the Executive Director. The activities of the SOLAS IPO are to

1) support the Scientific Steering Committee and its Chair in implementing the SOLAS 2015-2025 Science Plan andorganisationwhich forms the foundation of the SOLAS project and describes its scientific scope;

2) assist with the worldwide scientific information dissemination;

3) communicate and coordinate with the SOLAS sponsors (WCRP, SCOR, iCACGP and Future Earth), other projects and research teamsworldwideand

4) provide training and career enhancement opportunities for young researchers.

Job description

The Project Officer will be employed asMELstaff and under the administration ofMEL, under the supervision of Prof. Minhan Daiin Xiamen. He/she will assist the Executive Directorof SOLAS IPO, Dr. Emilie Brévière based in Kiel, supporting the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of SOLAS and its Chair in implementing the project.

The Project Officer will lead or contribute to the scientific communication activities including:

·Assisting the Executive Director to implement the activities of the SOLAS IPO

·Coordinating regional SOLAS activities in China and Asian, and developing funding opportunities for the organisation of SOLAS events, in particular in Asia.

·Assisting in organizing the logistics of various SOLAS events (i.e. workshops, meetings, summer schools, open science conferences)

·Editing reports from SOLAS-related events

·Maintaining up to date the SOLAS website and Twitter account

The post will involve international and national travels.


The postholder should have at minimumaMaster degree in environmental science including ocean or atmospheric science.The following qualifications will be considered to be advantageous for the post:

·Proficiency in scientific writing and communication skills in English.

·Experience in coordination andorganisationof international large scientific events,

·Proficiency with standard word processing software,

·Good interpersonal and presentation skills,

·Ability to work with co-workers remotely

·Willingness to undertake international and national travels

The position is funded on the basis of a fixed-term contract for 36 months (witha3-month probation period), starting September, 2017. The HR service will be executed by employee dispatching company in Xiamen. The position will be offered with fullMELstaff benefits. The gross annual pre-tax income is expected to be~200K RMB for a master degree holder or~240 K RMB for a Ph.D. holder.

To apply

Please send a CV, a cover letter (1 page maximum) and personal statement as well as the names and email addresses of 3 refereesto:

Suwei Weng atwengsuwei@xmu.edu.cnand Emilie Brévière at ebreviere@geomar.de

Please quote the ref. ‘Project Officer,SOLAS IPO’ (in the subject heading of email).

Closing date for applications:31May 2017or until the position is filled