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Data Curator Position – Preparation and archiving of ocean acidification data
Job description
TheState Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (XiamenUniversity; SKLMES, http://mel.xmu.edu.cn) in China is looking to employ a full-timeData Curator for ocean acidification data, in the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) project “Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC)”, supported by Xiamen University and China (see OA-ICC background below).
The Data Curator will be employed as SKLMES staff and under the administration of SKLMES, under thesupervision ofProfsKunshan Gao and Minhan Dai. He/she will be working in close collaboration with the OA-ICC project staff and partners, in particular with the OA-ICC Focal Point for data management, with whom he/she will be interacting on a regular basis (via video-/tele-conference).It is anticipated that he/she will to make about two trips a year to Europe (Monaco and Germany, where the database is located).
The Data Curator will search, request, prepare and archive data on the biological response to ocean acidification using the data center WDC-MARE (World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences) and the information center Pangaea (http://www.pangaea.de/). He/she will be managing the “OA-ICC data compilation”, which continues and extends a compilation effort launched in 2008 by the European projects EUROCEANS and EPOCA. He/she will maintain close contacts with PIs working in the field of ocean acidification, as well as with personnel at WDC-MARE.Attendance at key scientific meetings to liaise and interact with scientists is envisaged. He/she will reply to“OA-ICC data compilation” user requests. Contributions to data products to promote and increase the visibility and use of the“OA-ICC data compilation” are envisaged. An initial training in Europe (at the IAEA Environment Laboratories in Monaco and at WDC-MARE in Bremerhaven, Germany) is intended.
In addition, the Data Curator will be assigned with other data management related work by SKLMES.
Minimum qualifications
·Masterdegree in science (biological oceanography, marine ecology, marine biology, or a related field).
·Understanding of ocean acidification and its biological/biogeochemical effects.
·Good knowledge of the R computing platform.
·Good command of English (written and spoken) is essential.
·Experience in data archiving and computing is an asset.
·Analytical and problem solving skills.
·Highlyself-motivated and organized.
The position is funded on the basis of a fixed-term contract for36months (with 3-month probation period), starting May 1, 2013. The HR service will be executed by employee dispatching company in Xiamen.The position will be offered with full SKLMES staff benefits.Thegrossannual income is expected tobe 100 K RMBforamaster degreeholder or 120 K RMBforaPh.D. holder.
To apply
Please send a CV, a cover letter (1 page maximum) and personalstatement as well as the names and email addresses of 3 references to:
-Vera Shi, Xiamen University,vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn
Please quote the ref. ‘DATA CUR, OA-ICC’ (in the subject heading of email)
Closing date for applications:31March2013or until the position is filled
Background – OA-ICC
Profound changes in seawater chemistry are underway as the ocean takes up about one fourth of the anthropogenic CO2emitted to the atmosphere (ocean acidification). As this uptake continues into the future, further changes in ocean chemistry will occur, driving concern for marine organisms, ecosystems, and policy issues. As national research activities on ocean acidification emerge worldwide, the need for coordination of key overarching activities in this research area becomes crucial.
In response to this need, a new project entitled “Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC)” was established at the Environment Laboratories of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Monaco in summer 2012.The role of the OA-ICC is to communicate, promote and facilitate a number ofinternational activities, including international observation, joint platforms and facilities, collaboration between natural and social sciences, exchange of students and post docs, intercomparison exercises, joint ocean acidification experiments, best practices, bibliographic database, data management, capacity building and dissemination.