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MEL 2021海洋环境科学本科生暑期科研奖学金项目指南



一、 申请资格

1. 国内外大学理工类专业的优秀本科生。

2. 对海洋、环境科学研究有着浓厚的兴趣,各方面表现突出,未来希望从事相关领域研究。

二、 申批程序

1. 集中申请与审批

MEL于2021年4月向实验室研究人员征集本科生暑期科研奖学金项目,并发布项目指南及招募通知。申请者可根据所发布的指南申请相关项目,于5月16日前上网提交申请材料:https://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/fellowship/login.asp 报名网站于4月30日开通, 申请者需要准备的材料如下:

1) 申请表(I);

2) 两名推荐教师信息(项目秘书会直接向推荐人索取推荐信);

3) 本科专业成绩单及课程学分绩点(GPA)排名证明各一份(须加盖所在学校教务部门或学院公章);

4) 其他证明材料如获奖(资格)证书、已发表的论文、英语成绩证书等扫描件;

5) 相关意外保险证明(如无,由MEL在项目开始前统一购买相关保险,费用从生活津贴中扣除)。



2. 日常申请与审批


1) 申请表(II);

2) 两名推荐教师信息(其中一名推荐人应为MEL课题导师;项目秘书会直接向推荐人索取推荐信);

3) 本科专业成绩单及课程学分绩点(GPA)排名证明各一份(须加盖所在学校教务部门或学院公章);

4) 其他证明材料如获奖(资格)证书、已发表的论文、英语成绩证书等扫描件。

5) 出示相关意外保险证明(如无,由MEL在项目开始前购买相关保险,费用从生活津贴中扣除)。


三、 项目内容

1. 项目开展时间主要为2021年夏天。入选学生在项目开展期间在导师指导下进行科研文献阅读、学习仪器操作、数据分析、培养独立开展科研活动及独立思考的能力,以及提高科学表达能力。

2. MEL将在7月15日-7月30日集中举行项目的开幕式、学术讲座和安全培训。(具体日期视情况调整)

3. 入选学生还将参加学术沙龙,与导师和研究生进行自由活跃的交流,并有机会参加厦门周边野外考察等活动。

4. 入选的厦门大学学生除完成各自的课题学习与工作外,还必须参与项目学术活动及课外活动的组织工作,协助外校入选者了解本校和周边环境,为其他成员提供帮助和解答。

四、 项目待遇


五、 项目结题


六、 项目联系人:

刘琰冉 0592-2880169  liuyr@xmu.edu.cn

七、 其他注意事项


八、 未尽事宜,由奖学金委员会负责解释。

2021 MEL Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Marine Environmental Science

The 2021 MEL Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Marine Environmental Science (URF) encourages undergraduate students to pursue science and technology careers by providing research experiences at the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL), Xiamen University.


Fellowship requirements:

· Currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in a STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics);

· Be interested in pursuing a career in marine environmental science and/or technology.

How to apply

1. Application process.

MEL will solicit undergraduate research projects from MEL faculty, and post the possible project list in March on the website. Applicants must submit their completed applications by May 16 via: https://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/fellowship/login.asp The system will open on April 30. Applications must include:

1) Online application form (I);

2) Contact details and information for two sources of recommendation (The program coordinator will contact them for letters of recommendation);

3) Scanned copy of your transcript with grade point average (GPA)/ranking, with the official seal/signature of the Dean's office from the home institution;

4) A scanned copy of other supporting documents, such as awards and honors, published papers, and proficiency in English (if applicable);

5) Proof of accident insurance. If you do not have coverage, MEL will purchase relevant insurance for you; the cost will be deducted from your subsidy.

Note: Materials of 3)-5) need to be uploaded in ONE PDF file.

The Fellowship committee will review the applications and applicants will be notified of the decision by mid-May.

2. Other.

If you can't find your research interest on the posted project list, applicants can contact other MEL faculty and inquire about possible research opportunities. With the consent of the faculty, applicants can then submit applications beyond the above deadlines. The Fellowship committee will review and notify applicants of the result.

Applications must include:

1) Online application form (II);

2) Contact details and information for two sources of recommendation (The program coordinator will contact then for letters of recommendation); one of the references must be the potential supervisor at MEL);

3) Scanned copy of your transcript and grade point average (GPA)/ranking, with the official seal/signature of the Dean's office from the home institution;

4) A scanned copy of other supporting documents, such as awards and honors, published papers, and proficiency in English (if applicable);

5) Proof of accident insurance. If you do not have coverage, MEL will purchase such insurance for you; the cost will be deducted from your subsidy.

Note: Materials of 3)-5) need to be uploaded in ONE PDF file.


· MEL will cover round-trip travel expenses. According to the financial regulations of XMU, economy class flight tickets (up to $1000 USD for students from Asia, up to $2000 USD for students from other continents) for international students, and train or bus tickets for Chinese mainland and Hong Kong students will be provided.

· Free accommodation on campus and a subsidy (1700 RMB per month pretax).

· To better support the Fellowship, a research grant of 5000 RMB will be provided to the supervisor of each project.

Program Implementation Schedule

· Successful applicants need to complete their research project at MEL in 1-3 months.

· Once notified of their acceptance, students must contact the supervisor to discuss and prepare for the project.

· Students are required to attend regular security trainings organized by the Centre of Major Equipment and Technology (COMET) and equipment trainings of their research group.

· In addition to their research, students are also welcome to take full advantage of the facilities, seminars and field trips offered by MEL (organized between July 15 and July 30).

· Xiamen University participants are required to form a local committee, help to coordinate academic and social activities, and provide assistance for participants from other institutions.

Program Finale

· Students must do an oral presentation in their research group, and submit a poster presentation to MEL by the end of the fellowship.

· Any related project outcomes or publications must acknowledge the support provided by the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.

Additional Notes

Students must follow XMU's epidemic prevention and control requirements. Students (currently enrolled and/or admitted) are advised not to travel to high risk areas within 14 days of arriving at any XMU campus. Those students who are currently abroad are advised not to apply for this program due to pandemic prevention and control measures.

Contact Us

Program Coordinator:

Ms Yanran Liu, +86-592-2880169  liuyr@xmu.edu.cn
