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【Call for Registration】 The 26th POGO Annual Meeting (POGO-26)


The Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean, POGO, is a forum created in 1999 by directors and leaders of major oceanographic institutions around the world to promote global ocean observing. Of particular focus is the implementation of an international and integrated global ocean observing system. MEL has joined as a POGO member since 2023, led by Prof. CHAI Fei, who is also a member of POGO’s Board of Trustees now.

The 26th POGO Annual Meeting (POGO-26) will be hosted by Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CEMACS), Universiti Sains Malaysia, in Penang, Malaysia, from 25-28 February 2025. You are welcome to start your registration by Friday 17 January 2025.

The draft agenda and other useful information can be found on the POGO website, at


(Additional documents will be added as they become available.)

Please note:

As POGO meetings are currently fully funded by the host institute and do not charge a registration fee, we will need to cap the number of delegates at around 100, with 60 of these spaces reserved initially for representatives of POGO member institutions.

The registration process will consist of the following:

1.A pre-registration, with a closing date of 17 January 2025 - unless the meeting reaches capacity before this. The registration link is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/POGO26_registration.

2.A selection process and notification by the Secretariat of pre-registration approval (within 5 days)

3.A registration confirmation, with a closing date of 31 January 2025


Tues 25 Feb

Morning   Registration & coffee

POGO-26 Science Meeting (open session – all delegates)

• updates on POGO activities

Lunch for delegates provided on-site

Afternoon  POGO-26 Science Meeting (open session – all delegates)

• Showcase of oceanography and ocean observing in Malaysia

• Thematic Session 1: Towards more environmentally sustainable ocean observing

Poster Session 1

Evening    Ice-Breaker Reception (all delegates)

Venue: TBC

Wed 26 Feb

Morning   POGO-26 Science Meeting (open session – all delegates)

• Thematic Session 2: Biomolecular observations and eDNA

• Thematic Session 3: Ocean observations of contaminants – towards indicators or EOVs

Lunch for delegates provided on-site

Afternoon  POGO-26 Science Meeting (open session – all delegates)

• Thematic Session 4: Blue Carbon

• Thematic Session 5: Digital Twins

Poster Session 2

Evening  Conference Dinner (all delegates)

Venue: TBC

Thur 27 Feb

Morning   POGO-26 Science Meeting (open session – all delegates)

• Thematic Session 6: Marine heatwaves

• Thematic Session 7: Coastal impacts of El Niño and La Niña

Lunch for delegates provided on-site

Afternoon  Excursion (open to all delegates: registration required)


• Georgetown Heritage Site

Evening   Members’ Dinner (AGM Attendees only)

Venue: TBC

Fri 28 Feb

Morning  POGO-26 Annual General Meeting (closed session – POGO members only)

Lunch for AGM attendees provided on-site

Afternoon  Board Meeting trustees only

Venue: TBC

Evening   Board Dinner (trustees and invitees only)