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2016 Summer School on Marine Environmental Health and Safety, July 5-14 2016


The 2016 Summer School on Marine Environmental Health and Safety will be held on July 5-14, 2016 in Xiamen, China. It's jointly organized by Xiamen University, the City University of Hong Kong, Peking University and National Taiwan Ocean University.

The Summer School series aim to provide participants the fundamental concepts, latest development and current update on the rapidly growing field of environmental science and pollution research. The course is relevant and useful for postgraduates and professional working on the areas of environmental science, pollution and public health. Limited quota is available for senior undergraduates intended to work on these research areas.



State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL), Xiamen University

State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution (SKLMP), City University of Hong Kong

Department of Biology and Chemistry (BCH), City University of Hong Kong

State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control (ESPC), Peking University

Center of Excellence for the Ocean, NTOU


More details can be found in the attached announcement and website: http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/school/summerschool.asp?id=156.

The online registration will be closed on May 22, 2016.