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MEL Visiting Fellowship Program Awardee (First recipient of 2016)

 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的Donald M. Anderson教授荣获我实验室郑重杰出访问学者基金(2016年第一批次)。Anderson教授与我实验室王大志教授将就“宏蛋白质组学揭示藻华形成过程中的关键生物机制”这一课题进行合作。
Prof. Donald M. Anderson,Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,recipient Zhengzhong Distinguished Visiting Fellowship. This is the highest level within the MEL Visiting Fellowship Program. Prof. Anderson will work with Prof. Dazhi Wang at MEL on the project entitled "Metaproteomics reveals key biological processes involved in the formation of algal blooms".
In 2009, MEL launched a "Visiting Fellowship Program" for visiting scholars in marine sciences to conduct collaborative research with MEL members. This program offers visiting scholars financial support for 1-6 month stays in Xiamen.
The next round of application reviews will be conducted before July 15, 2016. More details on this program canbe found at http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/supervisefile.asp?id=241.