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海洋酸化研究最佳实践培训班报名 Updated Sept. 16

OA-ICC Training Course on Ocean Acidification, 19-23 October 2015








如果您有兴趣参加, 请填写附件内3个word表格(单位推荐函需由单位盖章后扫描),发送至中国国家原子能机构张琳老师邮箱(757860753@qq.com),并抄送厦门大学杨艳(yangyan@xmu.edu.cn)和施薇(vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn)。

The State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science will host a training course on ocean acidification organized by the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The purpose of the course is to train early-career scientists and researchers from IAEA Asian Member States entering the ocean acidification field, with the goal to assist them in becoming able to measure ocean acidification and to set up pertinent experiments, avoiding typical pitfalls and ensuring comparability with other studies. Expected outputs also include increased networking among scientists working on ocean acidification in Asia.

The training will include lectures in plenary sessions and hands-on experiments in smaller groups (the level will depend on the basic knowledge of the selected participants). Subjects to be covered include: the carbon dioxide (CO2) system and its measurement; instrumentation available for measuring seawater chemistry parameters; software packages used to calculate CO2 system parameters; key aspects of ocean acidification experimental design, such as manipulation of seawater chemistry, biological perturbation approaches, and laboratory and field-based methods for measuring organism calcification and other physiological responses to seawater chemistry changes, including nuclear and isotopic techniques.

The course is open to 25 trainees from IAEA Member States in Asia. Priority will be given to early-career scientists who are beginning to work in the field of ocean acidification. Experts interested in starting ocean acidification studies would be welcome, space permitting. The participants should have a university degree in marine biology, oceanography or a related scientific field, and should be currently involved in or planning to set up ocean acidification studies.

You will find more information on the course, the application procedures and conditions in the attached documents.

Please note that your application needs to be submitted by your Government through the competent official authority. The deadline to apply is 22 September 2015. If you are interested in attending, please fill the attached application form, nomination form, and a scanned copy of institution's recommendation letter, and send them to Ms Lin Zhang  at China Atomic Energy Authority (757860753@qq.com), and copy to Xiamen University's Yan Yang (yangyan@xmu.edu.cn) and Vera Shi (vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn). 


15-34441E1_IAEA Letter  15-34441E1_IAEA Letter
15-34441E2_Announcement  15-34441E2_Announcement
15-34441E3_Grant_Application_Form  15-34441E3_Grant_Application_Form
Nomination for Training_Course_Form  Nomination for Training_Course_Form
中国单位推荐函  中国单位推荐函