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6th SOLAS Summer School


6th International SOLAS Summer School

23rd August – 2nd September 2013, Xiamen, China


The SOLAS Summer School is a biennial, international event that brings together over 70 students and 15 world-leading international scientists, in a variety of fields, for a combination of lectures and practical workshops. It aims to teach the skills and knowledge of the many disciplines needed to understand the nature of ocean-atmosphere interactions. It allows doctoral students and early-career researchers to see how their work fits into the broad canvas of SOLAS, and global change research more generally.

It is the first time for SSS to be held in Xiamen, China after 5 continuous successful schools in Cargese, Corsica, France. The deadline of application is 1 February 2013. More information can be found in the flyer (download) or on the website: http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/solassummerschool/.



“表层海洋-低层大气研究”国际研究计划 Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study,以下简称SOLAS)是国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP)和国际海洋科学委员会(SCOR)框架下的一个大型核心计划,共有来自75个国家的1600多名研究人员参与相关研究,旨在探讨海洋与大气之间的生物地球化学物理作用及反应,并探讨海-气相互作用对气候和环境变化的影响和反馈,是海洋科学与大气科学交叉研究的成功典范。



Contact us:

Website: http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/solassummerschool

Email: solas2013@xmu.edu.cn

Tel: (86) 592-2186039

Fax: (86) 592-2184101