1. 课题有效期:
2. 课题延迟:
3. 课题终止:
a) 研究课题因故无法继续进行,或课题在执行中与研究大纲有重大偏离而无合理原因时,访问学者须向基金委员会提出终止申请。
b) 已超过项目的截止时间而学者仍未到厦开展工作,课题自动终止。
1. 生活津贴:
a) 杰出访问学者(含“郑重”杰出访问学者):5万元/月;
b) 高级访问学者:3万元/月;
c) 青年访问学者:1.5万元/月;
2. 交通:
3. 住宿:
a) 酒店:按照厦门大学财务报销标准,教授级别每天最高限额600元,副教授及以下级别每天最高限额500元;并且每月(以实际在厦日期计算)的上限为6000元。低于以上标准的实报实销;高于以上标准的部分由访问学者自付。
b) 校外公寓租赁:报销标准同酒店住宿报销标准。
4. 科研配套:
1. 访问学者须至少连续在国重室工作3天以上方可领取生活津贴,以往返机(车)票复印件上的日期为依据计算;由厦门大学代办纳税手续。
2. 访问学者须自行办理或委托合作者课题组协助办理经费报销和津贴领取手续。具体办理程序:票据由本人签字确认——提交外事秘书审核确认——取回已签字票据——到财务部门报账。
3. 科研配套经费使用规定(只针对青年访问学者)
a) 经费使用须严格按照预算支出,并符合厦门大学的财务规定。
b) 课题经费仅限于在厦门大学进行财务结算。
c) 课题经费可用于资助与课题直接相关的费用,包括:交通费、材料费、小型仪器购置费和改装费、测试费、必要的野外调查采集费及文章版面费等。不能用于参加会议。
d) “交通费”是指青年访问学者第二次及以上赴厦门的费用。
e) “实验材料、小型仪器购置和改装”等原则上仅限用于在厦门大学开展的工作。
f) “测试费”的开支,一般指使用国重室开放仪器设备所需支付的测试费。
g) “版面费”是指发表署名国重室的文章所发生的费用。
h) 课题研究结束后,所剩余的经费、原材料、零星器材和自装设备等一律留在合作者实验室,不得带走或他用。
1. 机票: 访问学者直接联系合作者安排访问行程,可委托合作者课题组或自行购买往返机票。
2. 签证:访问学者如需办理签证,由国重室外事秘书及合作者课题组协助办理。
3. 住宿:酒店由合作者课题租协助访问学者预定;校外公寓由合作者课题组按照相关规定协助访问学者进行租赁。
4. 办公室及实验室:国重室外事秘书按访问学者日程安排办公室,实验室空间由合作者提供。
5. 厦门大学消费卡:国重室及合作者课题组协助访问学者办理厦门大学消费卡,以便在校内消费及通行。
6. 学术交流:访问学者的讲座报告、学术交流等安排由合作者与外事秘书协调。
7. 未尽事宜,由课题组与国重室行政办公室进行协商。
1. 访问学者应按研究计划开展工作,若有特殊情况需与合作者协商解决。
2. 访问学者来室工作期间需做学术报告,项目结束后30天内提交《MEL经费资助成果报告表》(网上在线填写),由访问学者与合作者共同填写。
1. 项目成果为近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)与访问学者所在单位共享。
2. 访问学者在本基金资助下所完成的论文、专著和研究报告等的完成单位须署名“近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)”,并标明受近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)“访问学者基金”资助。
Management Regulations of MEL Visiting Fellowship Program
Article 1: Validity, Suspension and Termination
1.1 Validity
The fellowship is valid for one year from the date of approval. A term must be served within the validity period.
1.2 Suspension
If the project must be suspended for any reason, the suspension application must be submitted to the Program Committee prior to the project deadline. Otherwise it will be assumed that the project has been completed and the remaining funds will be taken back. The project can be suspended for a maximum of 3 months.
1.3 Termination
1.31 If the planned research project cannot be implemented for any reason, the scholar and his/her MEL partner must notify the Program Committee immediately to terminate the project.
1.32 The project will automatically be terminated if the scholar has not arrived at MEL prior to the stated project deadline.
Article 2: Support Tiers
2.1 Living allowance
2.11 Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Allowance (including "Zhengzhong" Distinguished Visiting Fellowship) is 50,000 Yuan/month;
2.12 Senior Visiting Fellowship Allowance is 30,000 Yuan/month;
2.13 Young Scientist Visiting Fellowship Allowance is 15,000 Yuan/month.
The scholar may receive up to 6 months of living allowance. The allowances listed above are given in gross amounts (tax should be deducted), and is ONLY applicable to the period of time when the scholar is physically at MEL.
2.2 Travel expenses
One round-trip economy class international/domestic air ticket. Reimburse the maximum of 20000 CNY.
2.3 Accommodations
2.31 Hotels: Xiamen University’s accommodation per diem amounts: Professor ≤600 Yuan/day; Associate Professor and other Scientist ≤ 500 Yuan/day. Maximum up to 6,000 Yuan/month for any scholar. Accommodation costs lower than the above listed per diems can be covered by the fellowship/research fund. Any accommodation costs exceeding the above listed per diems will not be covered by MEL; the scholar will be responsible for these.
2.32 Off-campus apartments: Same as above reimbursement policy.
2.4 Research Funds
Young Visiting Scholar can apply for a maximum of 20,000 Yuan in research funds.
(*All support will be covered as a ratio 3:1 by MEL and the applicant’s collaborative partner at MEL. The above support tiers are implemented since its release and is only applicable to projects approved since 2020 )
Article 3: Reimbursement and Research Fund Uses
3.1 Scholar shall work at MEL a minimum of 3 successive days in order to be eligible for the living allowance claim.
3.2 Scholar shall handle expense reimbursements or via the MEL partner. Stepwise this involves: 1. Collecting receipts and other required materials signed by the scholar—2. Materials checked by program coordinator—3. Reimbursement through financial department.
3.3 Use of the research funds (for Young Scientist Fellowship only)
3.31 The use of research funds shall be in strict accordance with the budget and comply with the financial regulations of Xiamen University.
3.32 Research funds can only be used within Xiamen University.
3.33 Expenses related to the project, such as travel, materials, small equipment, sample measuring, field survey, and layout fee of papers can be covered with this fund. This fund does not support the scholar for meetings/conferences/symposia.
3.34 Travel expenses refer to expenses other than the initial round trip airfare costs (arrival/departure) for Young Visiting Scholars.
3.35 Experimental materials and small equipment should be bought or refitted while the scholar is in Xiamen, otherwise they must be approved by the Fellowship Committee in advance.
3.36 Sample measuring expenses refers to the expenses related to using MEL's public equipment.
3.37 This fund can cover the layout fee of papers only if acknowledgment is given to MEL in the paper.
3.38 At the end of the project, all remaining funds, experimental materials and small equipment must be returned to MEL. They can be passed on to his/her MEL partner.
Article 4: Logistics
4.1 Travel: The scholar should contact the MEL partner to make a visit plan and reserve flight tickets by himself or herself. MEL partner can provide assist if needed.
4.2 Visa: The program coordinator and MEL partner will assist the scholar with the visa application if needed.
4.3 Accommodation: MEL partner will help in finding suitable accommodation.
4.4 Office and Lab Space: MEL will provide office space for the duration of the visit, and the MEL partner will help procure lab space.
4.5 XMU e-card: The scholar is provided with an XMU e-card that enables access to his/her lab and office and allow him/her to dine in the campus canteens.
4.6 Academic Lectures and Exchanges: The scholar's academic lectures and academic exchanges are arranged together by the MEL partner and the program coordinator.
4.7 Matters not mentioned herein can be discussed with the MEL partner and MEL administrative office.
Article 5: Responsibilities of scholar
5.1 The scholar and his/her MEL partner shall work together on the research plan.
5.2 A scientific seminar for Xiamen University faculty and students held during the project period, and a report of conclusions (on-line form) completed by the scholar and his/her partner within 30 days of the end of the project are required.
Article 6: Insurance
All scholars and accompanying parties (parents, spouses, and/or children) are strongly recommended to purchase sickness and accident insurance for the duration of their stay in China themselves. Minimum coverage should provide medical benefits, a low deductible per accident or illness, expenses associated with medical evacuation to their home country, and repatriation of remains.
Article 7: Research Outcomes
7.1 Research outcomes and patents supported by the fellowship shall belong to MEL and the scholar's affiliated institution.
7.2 Papers, monographs and research reports supported by the fellowship must acknowledge the support of the Visiting Fellowship Program of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University).
Article 8: Others
These rules are revised and implemented in November 2022; the MEL Visiting Fellowship Committee has the final interpretation.
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University)
November 2022