


为培养杰出的博士研究生,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)(英文简称MEL)特设立“MEL优秀博士生奖学金”(MEL PhD Fellowship),该奖学金现启动招生,详情如下:














获本奖学金资助所完成的相关成果,应署名:近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学),并注明:由近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)博士生奖学金资助 (The work was supported by The PhD Fellowship of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science at Xiamen University)。


1. 提交申请








国家英语六级425分以上 / PETS-5(WSK)60以上 / 托福80分以上 / 雅思6分以上 / 或与以上英语水平相当的证明;


2. 评审程序:


① 由MEL博士生奖学金委员会进行初步筛选;

② 英语笔试;

③ 由MEL博士生奖学金委员会主席邀请10名以上的校内外专家听取面试,并投票表决。


④ 当年5月前完成MEL内部审批手续,并向所有申请者通知入选结果。










Application Guidelines for MEL 2022 PhD Fellowship Program

To attract and encourage academically able PhD students, the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science at Xiamen University (MEL) initiated the MEL PhD Fellowship since 2016 and is now inviting applications.

I. Eligibility

Applicants who are seeking admission as new full time PhD students at Xiamen University.

The award is not open to individuals who have already been awarded or are currently studying for a Doctoral degree.

II. Application deadline

From February 25, 2022 to March 25, 2022.

III. Study Subject

Scholarships are offered in diverse fields within MEL’s research scope; the content of the applicant's doctoral dissertation should be related to MEL’s various research directions. (http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/research/scope.htm).

IV. Scholarship award

MEL will offer overall 10 PhD Fellowship places each year. Xiamen University provides every PhD student with a fixed annual stipend of RMB 33,000 (equivalent to USD ~4,800) for maximum 4 years.

V. How to apply

1. Contact a doctoral supervisor in advance to explore possibility of supervision. Information about the MEL faculty and their research interest is available online here (http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/people/faculty.htm).

2. Once the faculty has agreed on supervision, the applicant should submit the application online (http://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/fellowship/login.asp), which includes the following documents:

a) A MEL PhD Fellowship Application Form and Personal Statement;

b) Scanned copy of your degree and graduation certificate (or equivalent documents);

c) Scanned copy of transcript with the official seal/signature of the Dean's office from your home institution;

d) Scanned copy of your ID/passport;

e) Contact details of at least three referees (two of whom must be professors or of equivalent position), and must include your thesis advisor;

f) Scanned copy of English proficiency certificates (PETS-5 (WSK), TOEFL, IELTS or equivalent);

g) Proof of scientific research ability and accomplishment.

VI. Review process

There are two steps in the review process, one organized by MEL PhD Fellowship Committee and the other by Xiamen University.

1. Evaluation within MEL:

MEL will set up a scientific committee to evaluate applications. Screened applicants will be invited for a written test and interview.

a) A written English test.

b) An oral presentation (15 minutes for self-introduction, research accomplishment and research plan, another 5 minutes for questions). The interview panel will consist of at least 10 academic members. (The assessment is scheduled in April, 2022)

c) All applicants will be notified of selection decisions by May, 2022.

2. Approval at university level:

Successful applicants should follow the procedures of Xiamen University’s Admissions Office for further application and approval paperwork.

VII. Student' s assessment and responsibilities

MEL PhD Fellowship awardees are assessed annually. They must give an oral presentation reporting on their research progress at the MEL Graduate Student Academic Forum and be assessed by committee and ranked either A, B or C. If students are not ranked “A” for 2 successive years, their annual stipend will be halved; if students are not ranked “A” for a 3rd year, their scholarship will be canceled.

The Fellowship awardees must acknowledge the support by MEL PhD Fellowship in their publications, presentations and other research outcome (e.g., “The work was supported by The PhD Fellowship of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science at Xiamen University.”).

VIII. Contact details

Ms. Yanran Liu, Program Assistant

State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science

Zhou Long Quan Building, Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China

Tel: 13599521596  Fax: 86-592-2184101

Email: liuyr@xmu.edu.cn Website: http://mel.xmu.edu.cn