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Luncheon Seminar #265:Innovative approaches are required to explore the interaction between trace elements and organic matter

发布时间:2025/02/25     浏览次数:
时间:2025年3月3日(星期一) 12:00-12:40
主讲人:朱克琛 博士后
邀请人:曹知勉 教授
联系人:孙晓笛 2183033


朱克琛,德国GEOMAR研究所博士后PI,2021博士毕业于德国GEOMAR研究所,主要研究海洋中有机物参与痕量金属生物地球化学循环的作用机制。先后在GEOMAR研究所和南方科技大学从事博士后研究,在2022年获得并主持德国DFG基金项目,开展独立研究。参与发表论文十余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表于Geophysical Research Letters、Global Biogeochemical Cycles、Environmental Science & Technology等国际主流期刊。


Trace metal biogeochemistry plays a crucial role in marine primary productivity. For instance, iron scarcity has been shown to limit phytoplankton growth across vast regions of the surface ocean, while excessive copper concentrations can be toxic. The bioavailability of trace metals is determined by its chemical speciation, which in turn is dependent on the physico-chemical properties (pH, temperature, salinity) of the water. Nevertheless, metal speciation, which is strongly influenced by binding sites in dissolved organic matter (DOM), is still operationally determined, resulting in empirical parameters that are difficult to use in a predictive capacity. This talk will integrate chemical modeling (i.e. an ion paring-organic matter model) and experimental data via both AdCSV and ICP-MS analysis to introduce an approach for predicting trace metal speciation based on intrinsic DOM-metal binding properties that remain independent of pH, temperature, and salinity. This novel framework seeks to provide a more comprehensive understanding of trace metal biogeochemistry, particularly in the context of ocean warming and acidification.